Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library

Book Siberia 2024

September 13 – 15, 2024, you are welcome to take part in the 10th International Festival “Book Siberia” held by regional public organisation “Novosibirsk Library Community”, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Regional State Research Library, A.M. Gorky Novosibirsk Regional Child Library under the support of the Ministry of Culture of Novosibirsk region, the government of Novosibirsk region and Russian Book Union within the framework of the “Culture” national project. Creative meetings and master classes, lectures and roundtable discussions, book presentations and theatre performances for audiences of diverse ages, excursions and book fair which had long ago launched the festival itself – all those and lots of other events are awaiting those who would decide to participate either in person or online.

For librarians and specialists of the establishments of culture, science and education there have been traditionally prepared most interesting professional events.

Thus, September 13, Novosibirsk Regional State Research Library, Novosibirsk Library Community, M.I. Rudomino All-Russia Library for Foreign Literature and Section in International Cooperation of the Russian Library Association are inviting you to take part in international roundtable “Interlibrary cooperation in the sphere of preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of the peoples of different countries and regions” organised in a hybrid format.

Then, September 14, the future of book and reading as well as prospects of book publishing and problems of library life will be discussed by the participants of international roundtable “Open book – cultural practices in the libraries of Russia and China”.

Seminar "Role of the establishments of culture in strengthening inter-religion and international cooperation" will also be held September 14 in a hybrid format. There are going to be considered general matters of the culture of the dialogue in the context of inter-religion and international communication. Another aspect to be focused on is the role of book and reading in setting moral compass of the person.

All the details on the coming event as well as the reports on the festivals of the previous years are available on the official website of “Book Siberia” on the link.

You are welcome to follow the key events of "Book Siberia 2024" on the official Telegram channel of RNPLS&T of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.