Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library

Online Lectures of the RSL Centre of Oriental Literature. What's On in January?

The Centre of Oriental Literature of the Russian State Library continues its series of lectures devoted to diverse matters related to culture and art of the African and Asian states.

This time we kindly offer to your attention talk "Uthmanic Codex in Russia" by candidate of Pedagogy, historian, author of "The Uthmanic Codex" book and presenter of the "National Question" programme on the VESTI.FM channel Marat Safarov. You will get to know why the holy book bears the name of the third Rashidun caliph and how did he come to understand that it was important to code the text into script alongside with the existing oral tradition of reading the Quran text. Then, you will also learn interesting historical facts relating to the ancient book and its first copies in Russia, the name of the first Russian orientalist who was happy to touch the relic and study it too. Authentic one-and-a-half-century-old photos, unexpected details connected with the life of the widely-known copies and other most interesting things including those of where to see the priceless items nowadays — all that and far more can be found in the video, which is extremely likely to please not only professional orientalists but all of our devoted friends as well as those who just start plunging into the captivating world of the oriental culture.

You are also welcome to the Telegram channel of the RSL Centre of Oriental Literature, where you will find the timetables for the coming events and get a chance to view the specialized New Year collection of online lectures in case you didn't have an opportunity to watch all of them on holidays.