VRR RSL at Gymnasium № 2 (Perm, Russia) and "Bibliokaravan 2018"
September 13th, 2018 at Gymnasium № 2 (secondary school, Perm, Russia) there took place the ceremony of opening a Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library (VRR RSL). With usage of the latest telecommunication technologies, at the VRR there would be organized access to the RSL Digital Dissertation Library (DDL RSL) and other electronic collections for staff and young people educated at the establishment.
Gymnasium № 2 was one of the first among other educational establishments of Perm aiming at developing all possible skills and knowledge with children. Intellect and creative powers, readiness to work and find a place of their own if career prospects were under question - all those were the goals of the educational process as it had initially been set.
March 22nd, 2018, at the gymnasium there had been opened a Media-centre which was an interactive reading room specially equipped for work with diverse kinds of e-resources.
As for the VRR RSL opening ceremony, that event was the first of the kind carried out within the walls of a school. The Russian State Library (RSL) was represented by Nina V.Avdeeva, head of the Administrative department of management and monitoring service for clients and supervisor of the "Digital Dissertation Library of the Russian State Library" project, and Ekaterina G.Malysheva, head specialist of the RSL Department of support of access to digital resources (OPD).
The ceremony was attended by Alexander R. Protassevich, deputy Minister of Culture of Perm region, Maria A. Zilbermann, head of the Administrative department of strategic planning of the Perm Administration, Ludmila A.Sukhanova, the director of Gymnsaium № 2 of Perm, Diana S.Vatolina, head of the Department of education of Motovilikhinsky region, as well as by representatives of Perm State National Research University and heads of educational establishments and libraries of the city of Perm.
From the Perm State Regional Universal Library named after A.M.Gorky there spoke its deputy director Marina N.Khabirova. Among other officials invited there were Natalia A.Timofeeva, head of the Department of e-resources and periodicals of the Perm State Regional Universal Library named after A.M.Gorky, Svetlana N. Khaerzamanova, the director of the Perm Association of Municipal Libraries, and Ekaterina S.Sirotina, deputy director of the Perm Association of Municipal Libraries.
Cutting the red ribbon. Left to right: L.A.Sukhanova, N.V.Avdeeva, A.R.Protassevich, M.N.Khabirova
Nina V.Avdeeva was the first to greet the audience. She pointed out at the importance of the possibility of access to the electronic collections of the RSL for pupils of educational establishments. That was not only the knowledge itself, that was a chance to choose a career and higher educational institution to enter after school. Whilst for teachers there were offered latest methods and practices described throughout theses in pedagogy and psychology, as well as thematic literature in their subjects.
The Russian State Library possessed prominent experience in starting and supporting VRRs RSL — since the year of 2003, 657 VRRs had been opened in all the regions of Russia, in 8 CIS states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), at the territory of the Republic of Iran, in the Ukraine, in Georgia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Finland, USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and Serbia. Speaking about the development of the VRR RSL coverage, Ms Avdeeva emphasized that just a few Russian schools were involved, and the ceremony like that one she was making a speech at had only been organized at universities before. Education started at school, that was evident. And the task of the grown ups was to teach children work with information, make reference lists, quote and make proper attributions".
Handing the "VRR RSL" plaque and a gift album
After that Nina Vladimirovna handed the director of Gymnasium № 2 of Perm plaque "Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library" and an RSL gift album. The speeches to follow were made by Ms M.Khabirova, L.Sukhanova and Christine A.Ilyinskaya, methodologist of the information and library centre of Gymnasium № 2. Subsequently there were made speeches by pupils of the gymnasium—they read out poems composed by Maria N.Yusupova, a teacher of Russian and literature of the gymnasium, as well as other author's poems. A new era of the development of libraries was the common motif of all those writings, which was the era of new digital technologies:
Библиотека изменилась, И в наш мультимедийный век К планшету, будто к каталогу, Подходит юный человек! ("Library has changed, and the youngsters of our days come to use mobile devices instead of traditional catalogues" )
The RSL officials held a tutorial for the attendees of the VRR RSL opening-ceremony. They demonstrated how to use the RSL e-resources, they also made a presentation reflecting all the diversity of the RSL digital resources together with user capabilities on the VRR RSL. Ms Avdeeva and Ms Malysheva spoke on the main stages of development of the RSL, described its collections focusing on the largest one which was Digital Dissertation Library. That unique database included 933, 540 full texts of theses and author's abstracts in all subjects and specializations. The DDL RSL website http://diss.rsl.ru was designed with convenient intuitive means of search and navigation.
On their accounts, authorized users of the VRR RSL could make and save selections of pages from the documents they were interested in. They could work with both, the editions of open access and with incopyright works. However to prevent unauthorized copying documents could only be accessed with the help of special software DVS (Document View System).
In their speech the RSL delegates would also focus on different ways of enrolment, on the virtual reference service of the library (https://www.rsl.ru/ru/about/contacts/dopolnitelnyie-kontaktyi/spravochnaya-rgb) and its online exhibitions (http://presentation.rsl.ru). Then Ms Avdeeva and Ms Malysheva told the participants of the meeting about the services offered by the Russian State Library on its Internet Store (http://store.rsl.ru). One of the services of a great demand was plagiarism-testing which was realized across the collection of theses of the DDL RSL with usage of a special software developed by "Antiplagiat" corporation. While speaking about that, Nina Vladimirovna reminded the audience about the coming international research and practical conference "Revealing plagiarism 2018" which was to take place 25-26 October, 2018, at the RSL. The event was one from the series of meetings devoted to confronting plagiarism in the academic environment.
Ekaterina G. Malysheva
The tutorial organized turned out to be interesting for the attendees of the ceremony, lots of questions were asked and answered.
The professional community appreciated the VRR RSL launching at the educational establishment. Ms M.Zilbermann emphasized that "digitization of education was one of the strategies of the Department of education", while "the RSL resources were scientific and authoritative", and skills of work with such resources were of true importance for children to be acquired.
17 — 18 September, 2018, Ms Nina Avdeeva represented the Russian State Library at one more event of importance for the citizens of Perm region which was the 17th Forum of public libraries of Russia "Bibliokaravan 2018" (Library Caravan 2018 ). The theme of the event was "Role of libraries in the development of tourist's resources of the territory". In her greeting speech, Nina Vladimirovna pointed out that "attracting tourists had long before turned from a task for tourism business organizations into the common objective for numerous bodies involved". Libraries were among such stake holders, their job was to use modern telecommunication technologies and create electronic collections of documents, organize virtual exhibitions and realize event-broadcasting. Thus the places of interest of the region would become visible for larger numbers of potential tourists. Ms Avdeeva also told about the RSL experience, its digital collections and electronic services. She emphasized the role of the "Bibliokaravan" forum for "cooperating, setting inter-regional business links, as well as simple professional and even human communication aims, that including exchange of experience and ideas". In conclusion Ms Avdeeva wished everyone fruitful work and new projects and partners, and bright tourist impressions in addition to all that. Further on, the text of the greeting speech was handed to Elena V.Seziomina, the director of Perm State Regional Universal Library named after A.M.Gorky.
Vera A. Ryabkova, deputy head of the Administration of the Iliyinsky municipal region in social matters, gifted the RSL with a new issue of "Oliapka", a well-known kids almanac published from the year of 1961. The "Oliapka 16" issue (dated by 2018) was entitled "A trip around Iliyinsky". That rare book of 140 pages was a collection of poems, short stories and other pieces of writing addressed to the young readers.
Alexander R. Protassevich was the next person to speak. His "Information as a basis for the development of cultural and historical potential of the region" emphasized the importance of the problems dealt with at the forum. Mr Protassevich wished everyone good luck and bright impressions. Still the main theme Alexander Rudolphovich focused his attention upon remained state of affairs of the touristic branch of the region and its possible prospects. He spoke about tendencies, growth of volumes of inner tourism flows and main aspects contributing to the discovering of the potential of cultural and tourism domains of the Perm Krai. As the role of establishments of culture was concerned, Mr Protassevich pointed out that the RSL retained its status of a leader of the sphere of digital library development.
The participants of the forum could enjoy the agenda rich with cultural events — there were excursion trips to Perm, Gubakha, Lysva, Chusovoy, Kungur and the settlement of Iliyinsky. The trip to that settlement, which took place on September 16th, took the guests of the forum to Iliyinskaya Inter-Settlement Library named after А. Ye. Teploukhov and to Iliyinsky Regional Museum of Local History. Ms Nina Avdeeva participated in the meeting with Svetlana V.Trapeznikova, the director of Iliyinskaya Inter-Settlement Library named after А. Ye. Teploukhov, and Anatoly I.Krasnoborov, head of the Iliyinsky municipal region. From the RSL Nina Vladimirovna wished the attendees to have a nice meeting and fruitful discussions.
You are welcome to view the video of the ceremony of opening "Bibliokaravan 2018" over here.
All the photos of the opening VRR RSL ceremony used for the publication were provided by Gymnasium № 2, Perm, Russia.