Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library

8th Conference “Book Branch in Russia – Consolidation Time” and Branch Conference “Book Business – Projects of Digital Transformation”

6 and 7 June, 2024, within the framework of the “Krasnaya Ploshchad” festival, there took place 8th branch conference “Book Branch in Russia – Consolidation Time” organised by the “Book Industry” journal, Association of Book-Spreading Organisations and the Russian Book Chamber complex of the Russian State Library under the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, and branch conference “Book Business – Projects of Digital Transformation” conducted by the “University BOOK” journal with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and Russian Book Union.

The representatives of the authorities, publishers, heads and experts of book-selling and book-spreading organisations, museums and libraries, archives and information centres as well as other establishments in this or that way involved into the development of Russian book industry heard Federal Report “Book Market of Russia in 2023” and discussed main problems and general trends, considered promoting book and reading in digital environment, that including with use of advanced computer and AI technologies. Key branch initiatives were demonstrated too.

Details of the “Book Branch in Russia – Consolidation Time” are available on the official website of the “Book Industry” journal. Branch conference “Book Business – Projects of Digital Transformation” is reported on by the information and analysis journal “University BOOK”.

Welcome to watch the streams of the “Book Business – Projects of Digital Transformation” conference on the link.

The “Krasnaya Ploshchad” festival has been carried out for ten years. In 2024, the four days of the festival witnessed over 300 thousand visitors, and more than 400 publishing houses from the 58 Russian regions, that including the new ones, and from the Republic of Belarus presented their new editions of belle-lettre books, children literature, research and fiction books. Then, for the guests of the festival there were held lots of most interesting cultural events.

All the information in details can be viewed on the Telegram channel of the festival.