The Russian State Library at the Caucasus Investment Forum
July 15 – 17, 2024, the city of Grozny (the Chechen Republic) hosted one of the most significant events of this summer – the second annual Caucasus Investment Forum. The authorities together with people of business and representatives of the establishments of science and culture of Russia and bordering states discussed key questions of the development of the North Caucasus region from the point of view of attracting investments. They would consider economics and industry, tourism and youth policy, culture and sports, and problems of the social sphere too. The director general of the Russian State Library and the president of the Russian Library Association Mr Vadim V. Duda gave speeches at the events devoted to library life.
Thus, July 17, at the session of the “Genius of Place” project, Mr Duda spoke on the role of human capital as a factor attracting investments. Then, he pointed out at the importance of libraries' participation in solving national problems and at their potential for realizing serious national initiatives targeted at the development of local identity of citizens of diverse places.
Apart from that, July 16, within the framework of the “Potential of the Russian Cossacks in the Socioeconomic Development of Southern Russia” meeting, the officials of the Russian State Library made a cooperation agreement with the Terek Military Cossack Society in order to organize events and launch projects with the aim to preserve historical and cultural heritage of Russian Cossacks and promote true and scientifically-based historical knowledge.