Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library

2nd International Research and Practical Conference "Cossacks guarding the frontiers of our Motherland"

The International research and practical conference "Cossacks guarding the frontiers of our Motherland" is held June 6-8, 2024, in Novocherkassk (Rostov region). It is devoted to the 215th anniversary of lieutenant general Yakov P. Baklanov. The event is organized within the framework of realization of the National Strategy of Russian Federation about Russian cossacks for the years of 2021−2030.

The representatives of state authorities, of research and public organizations, libraries and other establishments of culture, teachers and students of high and higher education institutions as well as the officials of cossack communities and Russian Orthodox Church are all welcome to participate.

The speeches of the conference will deal with the matters of studying the original cossack culture, they will also consider main aspects of preservation of historical memory concerning cossacks' guarding the borders of Russia and role of Russian priests in martial and patriotic up-bringing. No less important part of the presentations is going to discourse on the mission of libraries in preserving the historical truth and promoting history and culture of Russian cossacks.

The conference presupposes different forms of participation - either in person or online. The events will be streamed in the "VKontakte" social network in group "Centre of History and Culture of Cossacks". We shall mail links for participation to all the online speakers at their addresses submitted at registration.

The organizers of the conference are the Russian State Library, Institute of History and International Relations of Southern Federal University, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Cossack Society, the Union of the Cossack Warriors of Russia and Foreign Countries, and Union of Russian Cossacks.

Details are available on the official website of the Russian State Library.
2024-06-06 10:21