Virtual Reading Room of the Russian State Library

Research and Educational Seminar “Developing the System of Legal Deposits in the Digital Era”

May 30, 2024, the Russian State Library organised research and educational seminar “Developing the System of Legal Deposits in the Digital Era”. Its moderator was Elena Beylina, editor in chief of the "University BOOK" journal and head of the Committee in electronic resources and digital transformation of book market of the Russian Book Union. The participants including Vadim Duda, president of Russian Library Association, Elena Noghina, the director of the Russian Book Chamber complex, and many other specialists from large libraries and publishing houses, discussed prospects of the system of legal deposit copy, its problems and potential legal and technical changes needed to be introduced in the project of the new law. The other matter to be considered was National Book Platform v. 2.0. Then, there was pointed out the significance of the legal deposit system as a means of preservation cultural and intellectual heritage of the nation, as well as a way to make the editions stored widely accessible. There were mentioned issues of publisher discipline and capabilities of legal motivation which could stimulate publishers’ enthusiasm with legal deposit matters.

The video is available on the YouTube channel of the Russian State Library at